Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm in awe of God. Why do we have such an amazing God that is full of unfailing love and compassion?
Full of grace and mercy. So quick to forgive us and love us. Each day God opens my eyes to Him more and more. I am so glad that He is in control and not me. That's a constant reminder for me everyday. It's like i forget who He is and what He has done in my life. I just wanna be holy and set apart for God's glory. I want people to see Jesus in me and not Philip. That's something God is really teaching me, is that life isn't about Philip Causey. The Bible says, that everything was created by Jesus and for Jesus and is intended for His glory. So the world doesn't need more of Philip, it needs more of Jesus Christ. Do you want people to know you more, than you want people to know Jesus? We've gotta be kingdom spirited people for this lost and broken world to know Jesus. We've gotta stop thinking about all the things that distract us from God, like girlfriend/boyfriends, ipods, t.v., friends, sports, cellphones, internet etc... As the church of Jesus Christ, we've gotta step up and stand in the gap and interceed for this world that is going to hell. If God's mercy didn't exist, there would be no hope, but Jesus Christ and repentance is our only hope. We need more encounters with God. We can't keep walking in the motions and doing church, we've gotta start being the church. Going out and being salt and light in this dark world. We are the body of Christ, the hands and feet of Jesus. We've gotta act like we have the Holy Spirit living in us so we can show the love of Christ to everyone we come in contact with. My prayer is that we would be a people that would make the tough choices, that we wouldn't be afraid or intimidated by the world, but we would rise up as His church, across the earth, a people dedicated to being His hands and feet to run the race for the least of these, for the lost, broken, and the hurting. And we would take what He has done in our hearts and run into this world to see His name lifted high.

The very fact that a holy, eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, merciful, fair, and just God loves you and me. The wildest part is that Jesus doesn't have to love us. His being is utterly complete and perfect, apart from humanity. He doesn't need me or you. Yet He wants us, chooeses us, even considers us His inheritance (Eph. 1:18). The greatest knowledge we can ever have is knowing God treasures us. That really is amazing beyond description. The holy Creator sees us as His "glorious inheritance." The irony is that while God doesn't need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don't really want Him most of the time. One might ask, "Why would a loving God force us to love Him?" God doesn't force us to love Him, it's our choice. But if God is truly the greatest good on this earth, would He be loving us if He didn't draw us toward what is best for us (even if that happens to be Himself?) The greatest good on this earth is God. Period. God's one goal for us is Himself. The Good News, the best news in the world, in fact is that we can have God Himself. OUr love for Him always comes out of His love for us. Do you love this God who is everything, or do you just love love everything He gives you? Do you really know and believe that God loves you, individually and personally and intimately? Do you see and know Him as Abba, Father?

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts Philip. God is EVERYTHING! Keep worshipping Him, Bro'.
