Friday, March 5, 2010


Pismo Beach & Central Coast

Hello friends and family. I just want to thank everyone for walking with me in this new season of my life. 2009 was an amazing year for me. To all that don't know, I went to Pismo Beach, California last January to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with an organization called Youth With a Mission (YWAM). I spent the first 4 months in lecture phase knowing God and spent the last 2 months on outreach, living in South India making God known. After my time with YWAM I felt God leading me to join staff. I got a phone call while I was living in Haiti telling me that i got accepted, so now I'm preparing to enter into this new season of my life that God is leading me into. 2010 already has been amazing. God has been teaching me so much more about himself and who I am in Jesus Christ. As I continue following Jesus, I'll be moving back to Pismo Beach, California on April 20th for 5 years, as a full-time missionary, working with YWAM. Our main focus is to know God and make him known though-out the world with The Great Commisson. My passion is to see young people devote themselves into being the hands and feet of our Lord and King Jesus Christ, and being light and salt in this dark and broken world. We will continue to reach the ends of this world, by being living vessels of God's love, Intercession, Worship, and Evangelism to declare our God's passion to make Himself known to his children. With this opportunity, not only will I be going as a leader, I'll be discipling, baptizing, and teaching other believers to obey all the commands that Jesus gave us.

Because of YWAM's unique nature as a missionary base, all volunteers raise their own support. Thankfully, I feel like God is going to be using me in more ways that I know as I'm being called to declare the love, grace, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness of God that last forever through what Jesus done for us on the cross. Brothers and Sisters, as God is preparing me to leave in April, I ask that you would walk with me in any of the following ways. First and most importantly, Please walk with me in Prayer. Whether you commit to once a week or everyday I ask you once again to cover my every step in the spiritual realms. There is no greater gift than to be covered by the body of Christ. For as the Apostle Paul states, "The battle we fight is not of flesh and blood, but of the spirit." Second, I humbly ask that you walk with me financially. This past year it's been an honor to be a representative of not only myself but of the community behind me. Whether your support manifests as prayer, encouragement, or finances, it's an honor to represent everyone of you wherever our God leads me on this Earth. To be able to be used by God to bring the good new of his heart to the nations, makes my decision to leave my life in North Carolina worth it all. So as I walk into this new year and season of my life, I ask that you prayerfully consider walking with me on this new journey.

As I staff with YWAM, my financial goal is to raise $1200 a month. This will take care of living expenses, food, insurance, communication, and future opportunities to wherever the Lord calls me. Much like the disaster in Haiti, moments occur in life where time is not always on our side for preparation. This is why a budget is necessary so that we do not plan our lives around one mission trip at a time, but a continuous journey obeying the voice of the Lord. With whatever God puts into your heart I can't wait to see where God takes us this year. Thanks for all your love and support! Love you all more than you know.

Philip Causey

YWAM Pismo Beach
791 Price St. #119
Pismo beach, CA 93449

If you have any questions about support, give me a call, or email me.


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